I fell off a giant cliff near my school and am just now getting back to normal from the horrific accident.
No, that's not true at all, you silly cats and hood rats.
I'm just busy. & (slightly) lazy. & formerly sick with some crazy unknown illness that's really
no more serious than just the common cold.
I am BACK for a bit, though, to catch you up on the not-so-cool things going on in the world of SS. My students sit silently taking a standardized test (draft writing, my bad!), so my downtime is great and I am lah-ving it! Here's a quick (or not so quick) Five Friday for you, random updates edition!
1. First things first, this weekend is St. Patrick's Day and I may look more Irish than I really am, but damnit, I celebrate like a champ. The downtown festivities cannot be missed and the weather is proving to be quite charming and lovely for a wonderful time of outdoor day drinking.....BUT
what to wear, one might ask? Well, I have been searching far & wide for the perrrfect pair of green jeans. "A pop of color by way of denim is so in right now, SS, how easy for you!" -- HAH, I laugh at your naivety, because the only jeans I could find were mint, teal, turquoise, sea foam, or just about any shade of green aside from IRISH green. That is until I walked into Old Navy post-workout one night out of sheer bordem (or sheer panic of needing green jeans). LAST pair of true green pants that exist on the planet...and they were on the mannequin. Nuh-uh, SS ain't havin' that! I promptly turned into "that girl" and asked one of the employees if I could de-pants their female model. She didn't seem fazed at all--helpful even!--to endure the awkward task. Once I had the pants in my hand, I thanked her kindly for her de-robing skills and also apologized for being "that girl" (which makes you even
more so "that girl") -- air quotes over.
Green pants found. Let the drinking commence! (tomorrow, that is....) I leave you with not a photo of new skinny pants (sort of self-explanatory) but a recipe for a grrrrreast Irish beverage that sounds disgusting but you need to taste it to believe the magic. Fo' reals. If my one sistahh is reading, she'll be proud I posted this!
IRISH BREAKFAST SHOT -- If you do it correctly, the finishing taste is
exactly like pancakes...wild!
1. In one shot glass, pour
two counts of any whiskey and
one count of butterscotch schnapps.
2. In another shot glass,
pour in some good ol' orange juice.
3. Take the first shot and immediately follow with the second.
4. Let the pancake taste fill your mouth with joy.
.......you're welcome ;)
2. Second things second, I have a new baby! She's adorable, really, and although I've dressed her in the one color I hate most (pink), she still somehow shines and sparkles like a true superficial piece of technology after my own heart.
{awkward crooked photo much? sorry.....}
I know, I know, the "newww" iPad is coming out THIS Friday (aka today), but why not jump on this deal?! The iPad 2 is now $100 cheaper and the "newww" iPad has grrreat specs and all, but I don't need all that mumbo-jumbo schtuff when the 2 is just as cute. Done deal. I went up a bit in SSB's book for owning one. What a
loser techy he is!
3. On the topic of technology, I have been bah-bah-busy with stuff at school...but mostly outside of my own classroom. Seniors are starting to get hellishly sick with something I can only find to be LAZINESS, but they have some cutesy name called "senioritis" -- I mean, I had it too....but for four years of college, so it was entirely different....and entirely warranted! Oh, right,
technology. Well, in the midst of all the cray-cray going on, THIS happened.....
...and I cried.
...and I called SSB.
...and I got a new phone/case the same day.
...and all was right with the world again.
(if you're like me & want durability without buying an Otterbox,
buy a SPECK case!)
4. Can I make a shout-out now? To one of my dearest blogging pals,
The Procrastinator! I was out shopping at Marshall's to find a yoga towel (ok, to find just about
anything cute) when I came across a makeup item she recommended to me a few months back. & WOAH, honey child, I lahhhhve it dearly. I dare not leave you in suspense any longer....
Enter: The Balm Products
I found not ONE, not TWO, but THREE different sets from The Balm and I just could not decide....so I picked up all three. Then, a small voice (or my friend) told me I was being irrational considering two of the sets had very similar products. I let my better thoughts win out and purchased only two. Life-savers, I tell ya! The products include.....(sorry no personal photos of post-purchase packages since I ripped into those bad boys faster than La-Lohan gets outta jail!)
If you do not have any of their products yet, you MUST scope them out ASAP. The packaging alone suckered me in before the inner genius in me screamed and said, "THIS is what
The Procastinator was talking about!"
The products I purchased are two blushes (Hot Mama & Frat Boy), a shine powder (Sexy Mama), and a mini kabuki brush (sooo soft!) -- the BEST of the bunch (and the reason I freaked out) was the Bahama Mama Bronzer...so fab, I love it a ridiculous amount!
If you are not already following The Procrastinator's posts, you're missing out, dear readers!
Go check her out immediately. Seriously....go.
5.I leave you with just ONE teacher
rant story to end this hodge-podge-fodge post!
Male Student: Miss Smith, I wanted to ask you something, but really do not want you to be mad at me.
Me: Ok, well opening with that line never ends well, soo.....
Male Student: But Miss Smith, I'm one of the best in this class, and I really need your help!
Me: Ok, ok, shoot....
Male Student: I am entering a local radio contest to win VanHalen tickets. Soooo....
Me: Ok, spit it out, class is starting...
Male Student: Well you only win the contest if you enter a photo of your teacher while they're teaching.
Me: That doesn't make
any sense!....I'm not a fan but I know that's
not how their hit song goes...
Male Student: Uhhh, well this is awkward now. It
is a hot teacher contest.
Me: Sit down, it's not happening.
Male Student: (whispering to classmate as he walks away) I'll just get the photo when she isn't paying attention.
Me: I heard that.
Male Student: Shit.
....and scene. All in a day's work of educating our youth....on what you should
never ask your teacher. (PS the actual radio contest is not a real teacher contest...just for people to
dress up like slore-bags and pretend to play hot teacher for a couple snapshots. I meeeean, I don't play pretend anymore, kitty cats, those days are past me, thank you very much....I don't pretend to play the bitch teacher anymore, I just
am her!)
I am so sorry for straying from the SS scene as of late. Promises to do better, but promises are empty, soooo I'll just go ahead and say I'll see ya when I see ya next ;) --which WILL be soon!
Gotye's "Somebody I Used To Know" and let your ears jump with melodic joy. It's good. SO. good.
Until next time, I hope you have all been doing faaabulously in your own lives.........